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 Patron: Shauna Hicks  OAM MA Grad Dip Lib Sc Dip FHS FQFHS
History Queensland held the 2020 Annual General Meeting
via Zoom on Saturday 14 November 2020.

Official Minutes and full Member Group reports were forwarded to Members.
Here are some highlights...

From the HQ President:
  • History Queensland membership currently 120 with 3 new members since the last AGM
  • Unfortunately, the Peel Island Association closed.
  • A reminder that the HQ Facebook page and newsletter are available to advertise your upcoming events
  • Discussion is underway regarding updating our History Queensland website
  • 2020 saw the successful change of our insurance year to commencing on 1 April which now coincides with the membership year for History Queensland
  • History Queensland made a submission to the Tune Review of the NAA - no outcome yet.
  • Some Second World War records at the NAA are being currently being digitised.
  • NAA is commencing a NAA Members’ Program - Patron is the Governor-General’s wife.
  • Hocking vs Director General NAA case; Implications include determining what is a Commonwealth record.
  • QSA has a new catalogue search.
  • The State Library of Queensland is digitising the Moreton Bay Colonial Secretary’s correspondence.  This was already on microfilm.
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