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 Patron: Shauna Hicks  OAM MA Grad Dip Lib Sc Dip FHS FQFHS

News & Events

History Queensland News

Members and the community are invited to submit news items that may be of interest to fellow historians. Please send your items to secretary@historyqueensland.org.au and newsletter@historyqueensland.org.au including the date, time, a brief description, and related images or logos plus contact details including web links, email addresses or phone numbers as applicable.

Latest News 

Zoom Service available to members, visit the Service page for more information

History Queensland farewells our long-term Patron...
Bill Kitson

History Queensland is sad to announce that our wonderful Patron, Bill Kitson, has decided to resign from the Patron’s role for personal reasons. Bill was a fantastic patron, and we are sad to lose him. He always answered our requests for assistance. He regularly attended our AGMs and more often than not, would speak of his historical research around surveyors and their families.
We wish Bill and his family a wonderful future and hope he keeps in touch.

History Queensland welcomes a new Patron... Shauna Hicks
We are delighted that archivist and family historian, Shauna Hicks, accepted our invitation to take on the role. Shauna is well known in Queensland and interstate historical and family history circles with academic credentials to support her reputation. She has worked at the State Library of Queensland, the Queensland State Archives, National Archives Australia in Canberra, and at the Public Record Office Victoria in Melbourne.

Shauna operates her own business Shauna Hicks History Enterprises and is a well-known speaker at conferences including Unlock the Past cruises and locally. Shauna blogs at Diary of an Australian Genealogist.
We welcome Shauna to her new role as Patron.

HQ Newsletters

Download the latest PDF edition of our Newsletter
Newsletter Archives

AFFHO Newsletters

The Australian Federation of Family History Organisations Inc. (AFFHO) publishes regular newsletters of general interest to family historians.

AFFHO Newsletters:  www.affho.org/news/index.php

FFHS Newsletters

The UK Federation of Family History Societies publishes regular newsletters of general interest to family historians.

The newsletter for January 2019 is of special interest to Welsh researchers. See: https://mailchi.mp/ffhs/january2019

FFHS:  News & Events       

Website: familyhistoryfederation.com


Irish famine

Irish Famine Eviction Project ​

If you've got 19th-century Irish ancestry, check out the Irish Famine Eviction Project, which aims to document evidence of eviction during the Great Irish Famine. https://irishfamineeviction.com/
The site aims to include the physical location of the eviction, the landlord's name, tenants' names and other details. So far over 400 eviction sites have been located and pinpointed on the website's Eviction Map.

National ROT Database and Tribute Website

The National Rats of Tobruk (ROT) Database and Tribute Website hosts tributes to our famous Rats of Tobruk, who fought for 241 days during the Siege of Tobruk, from April 10 to December 7, 1941 – the longest Siege in British Military History.  The Rats of Tobruk were the first Troops to defeat the Germans on land in 1941 and the first Troops to defeat the Japanese on land at Milne Bay, in 1942.
Lest We Forget.
 See www.ratsoftobruktribute.com
German-Australian Genealogy

German-Australian Genealogy & History Alliance

German-Australian history 

Does your society, museum or location have a focus or interest in German-Australian history? Do you have members researching German family or social history? Is there a story that you need to tell about our German-Australian past?

The German-Australian Genealogy and History Alliance formed in September 2016 to help researchers of German-Australian history, heritage and culture to network more effectively. 

With the aim to allow discussion between academic, public, popular and family historians, we are looking for presenters who have a story to tell, research to present, or methodology to share. With expressions of interest already received from the University of Newcastle, AIATSIS, and professional genealogists across Australia, we hope to present a program that captures our heritage, past and present, living the theme of "Reconnections - Recollections - Resilience"

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